Thursday, September 16, 2010

Yoga is Vibrational!

So, I read this article in 'elephant journal' about the meaning of OM and why we chant such a sound at the beginning of class and at the end. It was a great article and it united me with the word 'vibrational'. If you want to read the article which I recommend, go to (search: Why Chant OM at the End of Class?). And mind started to think about YOGA (of course) and how yoga is so 'vibrational' on many levels. I'm sure I have said this before in a different way with a different word but it can never be said enough which is in fact so 'vibrational'.

The first time I heard a 'Gong' was in my 2
nd yoga Immersion in AZ at Yoga Oasis. It was a huge gong and while we lay in savasana the sound was so amazing! My mind and body went into another dimension as the the sound 'vibrated' through every cell of my body. When I entered the studio that morning I felt completely different than when I left. When I left, I walked out into the city and carried that 'vibrational' feeling with me. A full day of asana, a full day of inspirational questions, a full day of new friends, a full day of love for myself and a day ended with the 'vibrational' sound of the gong that took my soul into a new sacred place. When you think about the echoing sound of a gong and how far it really travels within space ....within each individual....within the outside world...etc...Imagine the ever lasting wave of connection within the universe. This is 'vibrational' and this is what yoga can ignite within your own life and the people around you!

Yoga has a 'vibrational' nectar that is contagious within the heart, mind, body, soul and spirit.
Think about when a random stranger just smiles at you or does an act of kindness. How does it make you feel? It's amazing and usually in return you gift someone else that beautiful smile and maybe an act of kindness. This in itself is a 'vibrational' outcome because it just keeps expanding from one person to the next and even that smile can be contagious within to expand out to others. Yoga is 'vibrational'~it can take you on a journey within your heart and open your mind to so many possibilities. The magic may start on your mat within a class but the way it makes you feel within is an on going path that will continue to expand and touch the people around you. You know the song, "Feel the Vibration"....sing it.......LIVE it and expand the sweet 'vibration' of YOGA!

Jenna and '

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