Tuesday, September 21, 2010


HELLO 'jalaBlu' Yogis and Yoginas~

What an amazing summer! The fall has sprung with fruitful colors and a breath of fresh air is filling us up with new energy. This is one of my favorite times of year, a time to reflect and prepare for the stillness of winter. At times winter can seem long but it's a time to cultivate inspiration, dreams, inner transformation and a time to embrace the sacred place within. A perfect opportunity to invite the practice of YOGA within your heart and allow the magic to ignite at 'jalaBlu'!

I have been so blessed to have 'jalaBlu' come into my life and share the 'rockin' bliss with all of you! Thank you for being so supportive and making a dream come true. My energy keeps expanding with yoga and through this gift, I want to celebrate by adding more 'jalaBlu' classes for the winter. Classes are getting bigger and even though 'jala' has a small space there is room for more vibrational energy by adding a few more.

There will be a NEW Tuesday night class (5:30pm - 7:00pm) "Alignment and Flow" Level I-II. This class is full of fun (Inversions, back bends, balancing etc....) and expands your own practice through articulation of alignment within standing poses. On Thursday night from 6:00pm - 7:30pm Level II, "Practice with Jenna", this class will include me practicing with you while taking you through a more challenging asana and turning you upside down with handstands, headstands, forearm balances, back bends and any other playfulness that follows, it will be a 'rockin shakti asana practice'! Friday, I have added a "Easy Jala Stretch" class from 11:00am-12:00pm for those yogis who just want to 'take it easy'.....:) AND..........Saturday I have added another, "Jala Basics" class, 11:00am - 12:15pm (also one on Wednesday). This class is great for the beginner and is also designed for yogis who want to refresh their mind with the 'principals of alignment' (Anusara Influenced).

NEW SCHEDULE WILL BEGIN OCTOBER 12TH!!!! SEE ATTACHED FLYER. Please note that the new schedule does include a fall promotion of punch card prices (ends November 31st). I will honor these prices as of now and would love to entice you to the $70.00 unlimited one month of yoga!!!!!!!!!!!

To kick off fall/winter I'm offering the 2nd "Intro to Yoga" 5 week series since 'jalaBlu' has opened. The first one was amazing! Space will be limited so please pre-register and ignite the new upcoming year (2011) with the ever lasting brilliance of yoga. I have attached flyer with dates and cost.

Will be sending out another e-mail in the next two days about the Andrew Riven workshop, November 13th & 14th. Save the dates and get ready for another amazing workshop in the land of Buena Vista, CO!!!!!!!

If you have any questions or suggestions would love to hear them! Thanks for taking the time to read this e-mail and can't wait to practice with you on your mat!

Jenna and 'jalaBlu'

"jalaBlu is an oasis that welcomes open hearts, abundance in spirit, and fellow travellers. Come as you are~"

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