Saturday, October 23, 2010

Let's Put Buena Vista, CO on the YOGA map!

Calling All 'jalaBlu' Yogis and Buena Vistians!

Buena Vista is a magical little town full of energy, character, community, beauty and transformation. Within this transformation, we have lifted the vibration with more live music, art, culture, restaurants/ coffee shops, South Main development, creative and talented personalities moving to BV and of course, 'jalaBlu' being the first yoga studio.

There is so much more happening (cultivating) that I haven't mentioned but we can all see this energy, this growth and within our hearts lies the excitement of Buena Vista igniting in a very powerful way within the near future. When I started 'jalaBlu' I had a vision of bringing in 'Special Yoga Guests' from all over the map. I had no idea that within less than a year we would already be blessed with three AMAZING guests (Bliss Brothers, Darren Rhodes / Bronwin Rhodes and Andrew Rivin). Within my 'jalaBlu' vision, I want to keep inviting special guests to Buena Vista and give YOU the chance to experience a powerful and heart opening journey through yoga.
I invite you to SUPPORT the next RADICAL workshop with Andrew Rivin, Nov. 13th and 14th. This Anusara Yoga workshop is for ALL LEVELS. It will be such an inspirational and empowering weekend so let's put Buena Vista on the 'Yoga Map'! ~

By the way......Combined with Andrew Rivin the Asian Palate (Thai and Sushi Restaurant) is hosting Jon H from 'Fort Knox Five' on Nov. 13th! Get your yoga on through 'jalaBlu' and then........ let the vibrations of DJ Jon H inspire your body to move. What an AMAZING and BLISSFUL combo!

Please fly this e-mail to anyone that has interest!!!! Let's ignite this workshop and fill up the Orpheum, I have no doubt WE can. Please see flyer attached with info. You can mail a check to Jenna Pfingston PO Box 4626, Buena Vista, CO 81211.

love and shri (beauty)~
Jenna and 'jalaBlu'

"jalaBlu is an oasis that welcomes open hearts, abundance in spirit, and fellow travellers ~ Come as you are!"

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