Monday, July 12, 2010

The Moose has a Powerful Meaning!

Hello 'jalaBlu' Yogis, Friends and Family,

Today is once again a beautiful day in Buena Vista, CO. We were greeted with an evening rain and everything is lush in the 'jala' gardens. The lettuce, spinach, arugula and chard are really starting to grow in abundance and the sunflowers get taller every day. It's truly amazing to witness a garden and how fast it can change from day to day ~ living in the 'present'. I work at a local organic farm here in town ( 3 hours a week for trade and to witness their abundance each week is complete magic! If your in BV and haven't checked out the farm, it's amazing! Caitlin and Seth Roberts who run Weathervane are exceptional people with huge hearts AND might I add, beautiful 'jala' yogis!

So, your probably wondering what is up with the Moose. Today at 'jalaBlu' we have no classes but a personal practice for me later on. I have this fascination with animals and what they mean in our lives. Of course everyday, we are blessed with creatures around us but I mean the unusual occurrence of an animal crossing your path........maybe in a weird way, a magical way, a crazy way, an intentional way or perhaps an unusual animal that you have never seen before. This all started when I was 25 and living on a working 'Dude Ranch' high up in the mountains. Another 'guru' in life (Tis) bought me the book, "Medicine Cards" by Sams and Carson which included animal cards. The same week she gave this beautiful gift to me I went running out the door with my journal to write down by the river (Jenna time). Tis yelled out the door (she worked on the ranch as well), "don't forget your medicine card book." I looked back at her with a smile and ran back in to grab the small red book. Off to the river to zone out and write. I was there for a couple hours sitting on this huge boulder in my own little world. I heard a noise behind me unlike any noise I had heard before but......... being in a meditation state of mind, I didn't give it much thought ~ There was another huge boulder next to me and as I looked up a bald eagle landed right next to me (really!!!!) and we connected eye to eye, it was such a powerful moment and to be honest, I thought I was dreaming or having a vision. The noise that I heard prior to the Eagle landing was the sound of the wings starting to land ~ WOW!!! This was 14 years ago and I still get the chills thinking about it. When 'Tis' asked me if I saw anything of significance, I smiled and laughed. She knew without a doubt an amazing animal would appear that day. So, from that very moment......... I was hooked on the 'Medicine Cards' and I have many stories to tell about creatures coming into my life and the powerful meaning behind each one.

So, while hiking 'Lost Lake' with my friend Amy we came across a giant Moose (above). A very majestic and HUGE creature. I immediately had that feeling of, this means something for both Amy and I. Once I got home, I once again united with the red book of animal knowledge and magic. So, within the Moose medicine cards, here is the meaning......"Representing wisdom and self-esteem. The Moose can be viewed as a positive force, it represents his willingness to "tell the world" about his feelings and experiences. Moose represents sharing because he is a creature of joy and feels that if he has succeeded within a job then he is expressing himself in the deepest part of one's being, he is sharing the joy and hoping that it inspires others. Moose medicine people have the ability to know when to use the gentleness of Deer and when to activate the stampede of Buffalo. They are known as teachers and usually know what to say, when to say it or to whom. They encourage others to learn and grow. If a Moose is chosen or crosses your path you have a reason to feel good about something you have accomplished on your journey. Remembering that others around you have achieved beautiful life intentions or goals is a way to share the meaning of Moose with them."

Moose......"Help me to honor the gifts I can give.....And recognize my worthiness long as I live."

And so in life, we all have our own journey and path. Even the small accomplishments we make and the big leaps of faith should be celebrated and shared with others. For me, this blog is a way of celebrating / sharing in the 'jala' journey...... and if I can inspire just a few people then I am thankful and so grateful for this vibrational energy!

If you come accross a Moose one day don't forget to give thanks to this majestic creature and remember the meaning. Give yourself a pat on the back for one of your own accomplishments and then extend the magic out to others!

love and shri~
Jenna and 'jala'

1 comment:

  1. Love it, Jenna! That story about the Eagle is unbelievable! Heron, Katie and I hiked to Lost Lake not long ago- so beautiful, and to think there are bull moose up there!
