Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Ganesh ~ "Removing obstacles and creating obstacles"
Hello 'jala' jalaians!
So the past two days have been dedicated to Ganesh within the 'jalaBlu' classes! In Hindu legends Ganesh is the son of Parvati and Shiva. He is the little boy with an elephant head and a big belly that represents prosperity. He is also known to clear obstacles within our spiritual path and of course create obstacles when needed. I like this guy....:). He also represents peace and wisdom~
There are quite a few variations of this story on how he received an elephant head. Here is just one story within my own words. Shiva (the husband of Pavarti) had been gone for quite some time and was just returning. During his absense Pavarti molded their son out of her beautiful skin~One day Pavarti asked Ganesh to guard the house while she took a perfumed bath. She asked Ganesh to not let anyone in. As Ganesh stood in front of the door, Shiva (the father) crossed the path. Ganesh not knowing that Shiva was his father would not allow Shiva to pass (being loyal to his mother). Shiva became very angry (maybe an understatement) and beheaded Ganesh. Shiva of course did not know this was his son. As he entered the house Pavarti ran out to see her beloved son who no longer had a head. When she told Shiva that Ganesh was his son they decided the first creature to cross their path would be the head of Ganesh. And so, a huge elephant came walking by. Shiva chopped off the head of the elephant and blessed Ganesh with a new head. And in the image above Ganesh is represented with the beautiful head of an elephant.
As we walk within our own journey their are always obstacles on our path. Sometimes these obstacles don't last long and sometimes we have to 'step into the fire' and ride in the current for a while. I myself look at a lot of obstacles as blessings ....'Divine Intervention' and a time for us to connect deeper within our own spiritual growth. Running away from an obstacle is not a solution and we are not allowing a bigger opportunity to come our way. I mean...YES...there are some life obstacles we could do without...I agree....BUT, within my own life journey most of my obstacles have given me a new door to walk through and enter into a bigger light. For example; When I left for Asia in 2009, I was supposed to leave for quite some time to teach abroad. I did get my teaching certificate and I did go to Taiwan to work but I was very confused at the time if I really was on the right path. This in itself was creating a HUGE mind and heart obstacle. I wanted to stick to my 'Jenna' plans, I didn't want to give up, I didn't want to let people down and most of all I thought I needed to prove something to myself and others. Anyway, my obstacle was 'clarity' was brutal for a while. I definitely had to stay in the current and then when I was ready, I jumped on the bigger wave of truth. Long story short ~ I basically just traveled for 6 months and then made the decision (which took a while) to move back home to the states. I wasn't sure why I came back home but ............. here I am owning my own little yoga studio 'jalaBlu'. The sweetness that can follow an obstacle is well worth staying in the current for a while.
Just as with a yoga pose that we are scared to try or we just can't get 'yet'~ However, we keep coming back to our mats to overcome the obstacle and 'step into the fire'. When we finally 'open to grace' and allow our heart to bloom into the possibility of doing that pose or even vision ourselves in that one pose then, we connect with the 'BIG' wave and we just do it!
So within honoring the 'Great Ganesh' within your own life journey ~ May he be present at all times to create obstacles that support your spiritual growth and inner strength and remove obstacles along the way to give you divine love!
love and shri~
Jenna and 'jalaBlu'
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
To Embrace a New Vision~
Hello 'jala' jalaianas~
"To embrace a new vision." "To expand in a new perspective." "To think outside of the box." "To enlighten your mind in a new direction." "To go beyond and above all thoughts and expectations." ~ We can say the same thing in so many different ways and yet each time it has a similar meaning but......... a different vision perhaps.
Today in class ('jala' flow and play) we focused on twists ~ I tend to not do a whole practice with twists or even teach a class with the focus on twists but today..........we stepped outside of our poses and expanded them into a twisty kind of time.....:) Even though we were bounded within our twists, our limbs (such as the photo of the tree) reached out organically and expanded outward. Sometimes in life we tend to intertwine our head with our heart and we forget to exert our effort to reach out or to expand out to somewhere different to give ourselves the freedom of experience which in return gives us knowledge and growth.
Headed for the city (Denver, CO) this past weekend to just be in a different place, see different things, listen to different noises, experience a different kind of energy. I have lived in the mountains for so long that going to the city for me is like going to a museum or being a small child and watching a bug crawl in the grass for the first time. I can just sit on a bench in the park and watch people...listen to people and basically just meditate on being in a different environment. I'm not huge on the traffic and I usually get lost while driving but I have learned to just accept getting lost as part of the journey......the new vision of surroundings.
Even as we look to the past or hold on to a memory we have a hard time 'untwisting' our emotions or experiences in order to reach a higher place within our own divine path. To release and let go is also a way to expand ourselves to new places and ignite our happiest visions. The next time you come to your mat instead of doing the normal home practice open your heart to something new and expand your vision to an experience that is beyond the norm.
And so as we entered the 'twisty' yoga world we concluded with ~ Parivrtta baddha parsavakonasana into svarga dvijasana ~ Most of my students had never seen this one let alone try this amazing pose.....THEY LOVED IT! and so maybe in a subliminal side of life they will allow themselves to 'embrace a new vision' within their own spiritual path~
D.R. sent this quote out recently in a daily 'D' and thought it fit perfectly~
"The light that yoga sheds on life is something special. It is transformative. It does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees it. It brings knowledge and elevates it to wisdom." B.K.S. Iyengar
"To embrace a new vision." "To expand in a new perspective." "To think outside of the box." "To enlighten your mind in a new direction." "To go beyond and above all thoughts and expectations." ~ We can say the same thing in so many different ways and yet each time it has a similar meaning but......... a different vision perhaps.
Today in class ('jala' flow and play) we focused on twists ~ I tend to not do a whole practice with twists or even teach a class with the focus on twists but today..........we stepped outside of our poses and expanded them into a twisty kind of time.....:) Even though we were bounded within our twists, our limbs (such as the photo of the tree) reached out organically and expanded outward. Sometimes in life we tend to intertwine our head with our heart and we forget to exert our effort to reach out or to expand out to somewhere different to give ourselves the freedom of experience which in return gives us knowledge and growth.
Headed for the city (Denver, CO) this past weekend to just be in a different place, see different things, listen to different noises, experience a different kind of energy. I have lived in the mountains for so long that going to the city for me is like going to a museum or being a small child and watching a bug crawl in the grass for the first time. I can just sit on a bench in the park and watch people...listen to people and basically just meditate on being in a different environment. I'm not huge on the traffic and I usually get lost while driving but I have learned to just accept getting lost as part of the journey......the new vision of surroundings.
Even as we look to the past or hold on to a memory we have a hard time 'untwisting' our emotions or experiences in order to reach a higher place within our own divine path. To release and let go is also a way to expand ourselves to new places and ignite our happiest visions. The next time you come to your mat instead of doing the normal home practice open your heart to something new and expand your vision to an experience that is beyond the norm.
And so as we entered the 'twisty' yoga world we concluded with ~ Parivrtta baddha parsavakonasana into svarga dvijasana ~ Most of my students had never seen this one let alone try this amazing pose.....THEY LOVED IT! and so maybe in a subliminal side of life they will allow themselves to 'embrace a new vision' within their own spiritual path~
D.R. sent this quote out recently in a daily 'D' and thought it fit perfectly~
"The light that yoga sheds on life is something special. It is transformative. It does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees it. It brings knowledge and elevates it to wisdom." B.K.S. Iyengar
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
This moment is 'RIGHT' on!
Hello 'jala' friends, family and yogis,
I would have to say that every class is my favorite class to teach but Wednesday nights have a special energy~ The class is called 'jala' Basics to Yoga. Last week I had 12 yogis which is huge for the 'jala' count and tonight I had 6 yogis~ In this class we get brand new yogis walking through the door that have never down a downward dog, beginner yogis and yogis who just want to brush up on their basics. So, a colorful mixture and a fun class for me to teach.
I started off with the intention goes something like this~
"YOU are the right person, this is the right time, YOU are thinking the right thoughts, YOUR doing the right things, and this very moment YOU are exactly where YOU are supposed to be ~ poised for the happiest time of your life!"
How often do we really say this or think this? Ask yourself and then read it again....Maybe even read it so many times that it becomes your own chant within your heart~close your eyes....welcome in the goddess of breath and fill your heart up with these exact words~Let the echo vibrate within your life and accept where you are RIGHT now with compassion and delight.
Tonight we took these words into our practice.......We did standing pose after standing pose...embracing each one and embracing our muscle energy to support our practice. We held intention in our cobra and melted our hearts even more as we knew, that very moment we were all in the RIGHT place, at the RIGHT time, thinking the RIGHT thoughts and ready to leap into our own life without fear~
I hope you find this intention within your heart and when needed, embrace the words into your everyday life!
love and shri~
Jenna and 'jala'
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Surrender to Freedom~
Good Morning 'jala' jalaians~
I'm getting ready to teach 'jala' flow and play. A class mixed with influenced Anusara, Vinyasa flow and of course a few inversions to get upside down. It's 8:15am and you just never know who will walk through the door (living in the present or now the future......), I love it~a surprise gift every day when it comes to teaching yoga. Today we are going to go into some basics of Tadasana and with other standing poses, really getting into them and holding them......'surrendering' to them to give us freedom! After reading the article by Darren Rhodes in Elephant Journal (check it out if you haven't read it yet) inspiring and I have even heard the story many times. I have decided to go through each pose in "Light on Yoga" and so yesterday my own personal practice was Tadasana and Trickanasana. So for today and 'jala' students I will be rewarding them with the same gifts.
I have a few of the Daily 'D' books at the studio and they help give me inspiration for intentions of the day along with other life experiences. So my intention for today is inspired by one of the Daily 'D's'. To sum up it up in just a few words, "Surrender to Freedom". This is put in my own words so bare with me and hopefully it will come full circle within your heart. I feel as if a lot of times we run away from our fears, sadness, frustration, anger or at least there is that breaking point of when we wish it would just go away~We even shout to the universe...'take this feeling away....give me freedom...give me happiness' but in reality, freedom can only come in fullness when you surrender to what you need to face. Surrendering to a challenge and accepting it's fear is connecting ourselves in a deeper way and getting us closer to 'freedom'. For example; one of my poses that I really don't like in yoga is 'Hanumanasana' and matter of fact when it comes up in a class or a workshop I all of a sudden have to go to the restroom....HA....that is not surrendering and that is not gaining's called, 'running away'....:) However, lately I have been 'trying' to teach this pose in class in order to surrender and soften. Guess what, I'm still not there and I still dislike the pose a little...:) but I'm starting to feel freedom. So, I challenge you to take a pose or a life situation that you are scared of or frustrated with and surrender to the emotions that come in and take small baby steps ~ First start with breathing and then surrender completely with your heart and mind. Express your freedom in fullness and feel the rush of shakti and shri vibrate through your whole being!
Just finished class with a beautiful yogi! Only had one student but the gift of teaching one student is full of teaching a 100 students, need I say more?
love, shri and FREEDOM~
Jenna and 'jalaBlu'
Monday, July 12, 2010
The Moose has a Powerful Meaning!
Hello 'jalaBlu' Yogis, Friends and Family,
Today is once again a beautiful day in Buena Vista, CO. We were greeted with an evening rain and everything is lush in the 'jala' gardens. The lettuce, spinach, arugula and chard are really starting to grow in abundance and the sunflowers get taller every day. It's truly amazing to witness a garden and how fast it can change from day to day ~ living in the 'present'. I work at a local organic farm here in town ( 3 hours a week for trade and to witness their abundance each week is complete magic! If your in BV and haven't checked out the farm, it's amazing! Caitlin and Seth Roberts who run Weathervane are exceptional people with huge hearts AND might I add, beautiful 'jala' yogis!
So, your probably wondering what is up with the Moose. Today at 'jalaBlu' we have no classes but a personal practice for me later on. I have this fascination with animals and what they mean in our lives. Of course everyday, we are blessed with creatures around us but I mean the unusual occurrence of an animal crossing your path........maybe in a weird way, a magical way, a crazy way, an intentional way or perhaps an unusual animal that you have never seen before. This all started when I was 25 and living on a working 'Dude Ranch' high up in the mountains. Another 'guru' in life (Tis) bought me the book, "Medicine Cards" by Sams and Carson which included animal cards. The same week she gave this beautiful gift to me I went running out the door with my journal to write down by the river (Jenna time). Tis yelled out the door (she worked on the ranch as well), "don't forget your medicine card book." I looked back at her with a smile and ran back in to grab the small red book. Off to the river to zone out and write. I was there for a couple hours sitting on this huge boulder in my own little world. I heard a noise behind me unlike any noise I had heard before but......... being in a meditation state of mind, I didn't give it much thought ~ There was another huge boulder next to me and as I looked up a bald eagle landed right next to me (really!!!!) and we connected eye to eye, it was such a powerful moment and to be honest, I thought I was dreaming or having a vision. The noise that I heard prior to the Eagle landing was the sound of the wings starting to land ~ WOW!!! This was 14 years ago and I still get the chills thinking about it. When 'Tis' asked me if I saw anything of significance, I smiled and laughed. She knew without a doubt an amazing animal would appear that day. So, from that very moment......... I was hooked on the 'Medicine Cards' and I have many stories to tell about creatures coming into my life and the powerful meaning behind each one.
So, while hiking 'Lost Lake' with my friend Amy we came across a giant Moose (above). A very majestic and HUGE creature. I immediately had that feeling of, this means something for both Amy and I. Once I got home, I once again united with the red book of animal knowledge and magic. So, within the Moose medicine cards, here is the meaning......"Representing wisdom and self-esteem. The Moose can be viewed as a positive force, it represents his willingness to "tell the world" about his feelings and experiences. Moose represents sharing because he is a creature of joy and feels that if he has succeeded within a job then he is expressing himself in the deepest part of one's being, he is sharing the joy and hoping that it inspires others. Moose medicine people have the ability to know when to use the gentleness of Deer and when to activate the stampede of Buffalo. They are known as teachers and usually know what to say, when to say it or to whom. They encourage others to learn and grow. If a Moose is chosen or crosses your path you have a reason to feel good about something you have accomplished on your journey. Remembering that others around you have achieved beautiful life intentions or goals is a way to share the meaning of Moose with them."
Moose......"Help me to honor the gifts I can give.....And recognize my worthiness long as I live."
And so in life, we all have our own journey and path. Even the small accomplishments we make and the big leaps of faith should be celebrated and shared with others. For me, this blog is a way of celebrating / sharing in the 'jala' journey...... and if I can inspire just a few people then I am thankful and so grateful for this vibrational energy!
If you come accross a Moose one day don't forget to give thanks to this majestic creature and remember the meaning. Give yourself a pat on the back for one of your own accomplishments and then extend the magic out to others!
love and shri~
Jenna and 'jala'
Sunday, July 11, 2010
My Heart Filled with Gifts wtihin the 'jalaBlu' Journey~
So, I have decided just to start writing instead of continuing with the 'jala' story page by page. It will all unfold in time and even the unknown will appear. So, from here on out this blog will be filled with thoughts, emotions, intentions, 'jala' stories and of course a few words out to the universe to manifest extended dreams within the 'jalaBlu' journey because it doesn't stop here, I promise~It only gets better and I invite shakti and shri to dance with me. This blog is a journal for me and 'jala' and all posts will embrace the truth and some days...... I will enter the Kali world and some days will be complete shri (sri)~
The gift of teaching yoga is far greater than I ever expected. Of course the gift of yoga within my own life has been far greater than I ever imagined and it just keeps growing. Yoga has opened my mind and heart, it has made me more aware of my body, it has allowed me to accept myself and the people around me, the love within me is a huge ball of light and it just keeps getting bigger, it has also made me face my fears, it has awakened my potential to believe and not give up, it has brought amazing people into my life, it has connected me deeper to the universe~to a higher power, it has embraced me through really hard times, it has given me laughter and tears, it has given me an injured hip...:) but wisdom in the end, it has given me more Gurus in my life, it has given me strength, it has given me unconditional love, it will continue to push me and challenge me, it has given me curiosity, it has given me beauty, it has shown me that "the impossible is always possible", it has comforted me, it has taken me to the door of Kali and allowed me to enter with the unknown, it has given me a deeper connection to my own breath, it has given me freedom within my own heart and more than anything it has given me the hearts of my students that grace me with their uniqueness and gift of presence within my life and the 'jalaBlu' path~
Once again 'jala' is not a big studio...It can fit 15 max and I'm not quite sure on that yet....:) I have had 13 a few times. The yoga community is small but we have a few other wonderful teachers in Buena Vista along with the jala studio. I knew that having a studio here in Buena Vista was perfect in one sense...there wasn't a studio yet :) but on the other hand, I also knew it would be a challenge to grow the Anusara yoga community here on my own (not really on my own). I'm always up for a challenge though and to be honest if it wasn't a challenge then I probably wouldn't have done it. There is another Anusara studio (Yoga Tonic) in Salida which is about 25 minutes away and that is where I get my Anusara class fix, with Annie...She is an amazing teacher and her energy is filled with sweetness. AND......Jamie Allison who is very well respected in the Anusara world has a retreat (Ananda Tandava Retreat Center) in Howard, CO and she is always hosting workshops, Immersions, Teacher Trainings and so much more. When I can get to Tandava to study with Jamie it's always a huge gift!
'jalaBlu' is not a full Anusara yoga studio yet but that is the direction I'm headed in. Of course, I always welcome other styles of yoga and I think it's important to explore. I teach a mixture of influenced Anusara and Vinyasa flow and I love inversions (play time). I'm in the big wave of working on my Anusara certification and travel to AZ to study with Darren Rhodes and Christina Sell. I did 3 weeks this winter and will start again in August with the Teacher Training (Phase 1). By the way.......Christina Sell has also become an amazing 'guru' in my yoga adventure~To put it in the simplest way, "SHE ROCKS!" The woman is amazing and I have so much respect for her in so many different ways AND......she ignited the flame to finally do a drop back. Can't wait to study with her this winter and maybe one day she will also bless us with her spirit at 'jalaBlu' and within the Buena Vista yoga community~ Hmmmmmmmm ...perhaps this is me manifesting ~ No doubt!
So, today I will stop here but next time I will continue with the gifts of my students~
love and shri~
Jenna and 'jala'
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Darren Rhodes Workshop in the small town of Buena Vista, IGNITE! I'm getting off beat on the 'jalaBlu' story and how it all started but this is definitely part of the story and this is definitely where my intention is working, "inhale shakti, exhale shri, IGNITE".
On July 5th I believe Buena Vista, CO had it's biggest yoga workshop YET (a part of history perhaps)! Darren Rhodes and his beautiful wife Bronwin blessed us with their energy and love for 2 hours and 15 minutes in the Orpheum Theatre located on Main street. 'jalaBlu' is a wonderful studio (of course..;)) but a very small studio and so......... I had to rent out a different location. The first location was in South Main and is the venue were 'jala' held the 'Bliss Brothers' (another wonderful workshop and the first at 'jala') but as the days got closer to the 5th the 'jala' phone started to ring more and more. I have already spoke of Darren Rhodes in many more of my past blogs and so if you haven't read those I will sum him up in just a few words, "He is a radical yogi with an amazing heart and his teaching skills are respected by many. The way he looks at life and intertwines asana and intentions with your own life is pure magic!" And so with a waiting list of yogis, I decided to move the location to the Orpheum Theatre which provided the perfect setting, energy and space for 46 beautiful yogis and yoginis.
Setting up an event like this takes 'patience and fortitude' and along with the final outcome and path along the way comes so much love. It's hard to believe that 'jalaBlu' has only been opened since Feb. 8th 2010 but has already manifested two workshops with special guests the, "Bliss Brothers" and "Darren Rhodes". This is truly 'radical' and a dream come true!
There is something to be said with a huge space full of yogis~an energy that is undefinable but so awake and full of love~When the workshop started to begin my 'shakti' was running through my veins like a humming bird sipping the nectar on each flower~Darren gave me the 'nod' to start and all of a sudden the feeling of 'nervous' entered my body.....:) I love the feeling though, reminds you ...YOU ARE ALIVE! And so, the introduction and then.......Darren setting the intention for the practice and one to inspire many hearts in the room including mine (I will include the magical intention at the bottom of this post).
For 2 hours Darren had us in some crazy poses (as always)! One thing (there are many) I love about Darren is that when you walk in to a practice with him you will leave doing a pose you have never done before~that is part of the magic! His belief in each student (even if he has never crossed your path yet in life) is part of his huge heart that expands out in so many different ways.
And so as the practice came to an end and the energy vibrated down the streets of Buena Vista, CO Bronwin (Darren's Wife) ended the practice with a beautiful lullaby in Savasana. Browwin has a voice that will bring tears to your eyes and fill your heart up with so much sweetness and love!
Bringing our hands to the center of our hearts we breathed softly and ignited the word 'Namaste'~ Thank you Darren, Thank you Bronwin, Thanks to the Orpheum Theatre to providing such a beautiful location and thank you to all the amazing yogis who attended! Can't wait to raise the vibration again with another wonderful workshop through 'jalaBlu' and everyones support and love!
love and shri~
Jenna and 'jalaBlu'
Intention for the Darren Rhodes Workshop
"if changes are to happen, they will happen organically. It's not that you'll never be able to do things differently. Everything is a matter of timing. If we try to do the right thing at the wrong time, it's disastrous. So you hold intention without attachment as much as possible. When you have intention you are giving notice to the Universe, then the Universe decides. If the Universe sees it is right, the Universe will open doors in a way that allows your dream to manifest. If not, it's not your fault. People don't think that their prayers are heard when they don't get action right away, but our prayers are heard.....when we are too emotionally invested in something, rather than calling it to us, we actually push it away."
M. Young - As It Is
Thursday, July 1, 2010
What does 'jala' look like?
So......I have worked since I was 16 and every job has had some kind of reward, lesson, helped me grow, made me realize what I didn't want etc.......made realize what I did want.....When I was in my mid thirties I decided to give my actual degree (B.S. Interior Design and Marketing Minor) a chance and so I started to knock on doors, send resumes, make calls etc.....This is somewhat of a long Jenna story so I will keep it short~I ended up (once again magic in my life) working for a Interior Design firm called, Atlantis. We designed mostly restaurants, retail and hospitality and in the end we did some work for a well known design firm named 'Chute Gerdeman' which allowed us to expand. I was with Atlantis for 4 1/2 years within the Vail Valley and then we moved to Denver in 2008 of July.
The people who owned Atlantis became so much more in my life than ever imagined and still till this day I am so thankful! I grew so much in these 4 years and learned so much! I became a stronger woman with what I wanted to achieve within my own desires during these four years and with no doubt part of 'jala's' energy comes from 'Atlantis'. My boss Terry was battling cancer for quite some time and at the end of 2008 they decided to close Atlantis and celebrate life~Terry passed in May of 2009 and even though she is gone her presence, patience and fortitude are a huge part of the 'jala' journey!
At Atlantis I was the 'Assistant Designer' and 'Material Specialist'~I loved it and so it has come in handy with seeing 'jala' (the space where it is located) or seeing the vision in an aesthetic way. So, off to choose colors and make the vision happen. My friend Kenley was also a part of the design path in the beginning. By the way....she has become a beautiful yogi!!!!!!! Another gift of the journey~!
When I was traveling through Asia there were two studios that brought inspiration...One mainly...."Wild Rose Studio"..which is in Chiang Mai, Thailand. If you get chance visit Rose, she is a beautiful and fun lady that shares her space and a lot of love!!!!! A small studio in size BUT a big studio in personality and the love that comes into that space. She has several yogi special guest (Andrew Riven is just one of many) and also women groups as well as an amazing 'kula'. And so, part of her studio has brought inspiration to 'jalaBlu'~ I want people to feel like they are walking into a place that feels interesting, fresh, airy, oasis like, from a different country, etc.....(community / kula). So within 'jalaBlu' there are 3 colors of blue as you walk in the front door and the kitchen has opened shelves with funky dishes ~there is a room that has tons of pillows to sit on, plants etc....upstairs is the actual studio and holds about 15..max..:) The walls are a peacock blue along with a sage green and the tall mirrors make the room appear to be larger. There is a beautiful mural of a lotus pond painted by my friend Brynn and a small shrine to make blessings and offerings. Lot's of windows in the studio with tree branches as curtain rods and thin white flowy curtains to bring in the airy effect~
Lately we have been working on the 'jala' gardens...We (beautiful friends such as Seth, Hanna and Caitlane) built a huge rock wall for a raised garden bed and this garden includes herbs, flowers and veggies....along with two smaller gardens ....the 'chishrichi' garden and the 'lila' garden along with a hammock to enjoy the shade and read a book.
I will add some pictures soon of the actual space from the 'Grand Opening'~ But for now using the imagination is part of the 'jala' journey...;)
Next: What happened when 'jala' finally opened and ignited~
love and shri~
jenna and 'jala'
The people who owned Atlantis became so much more in my life than ever imagined and still till this day I am so thankful! I grew so much in these 4 years and learned so much! I became a stronger woman with what I wanted to achieve within my own desires during these four years and with no doubt part of 'jala's' energy comes from 'Atlantis'. My boss Terry was battling cancer for quite some time and at the end of 2008 they decided to close Atlantis and celebrate life~Terry passed in May of 2009 and even though she is gone her presence, patience and fortitude are a huge part of the 'jala' journey!
At Atlantis I was the 'Assistant Designer' and 'Material Specialist'~I loved it and so it has come in handy with seeing 'jala' (the space where it is located) or seeing the vision in an aesthetic way. So, off to choose colors and make the vision happen. My friend Kenley was also a part of the design path in the beginning. By the way....she has become a beautiful yogi!!!!!!! Another gift of the journey~!
When I was traveling through Asia there were two studios that brought inspiration...One mainly...."Wild Rose Studio"..which is in Chiang Mai, Thailand. If you get chance visit Rose, she is a beautiful and fun lady that shares her space and a lot of love!!!!! A small studio in size BUT a big studio in personality and the love that comes into that space. She has several yogi special guest (Andrew Riven is just one of many) and also women groups as well as an amazing 'kula'. And so, part of her studio has brought inspiration to 'jalaBlu'~ I want people to feel like they are walking into a place that feels interesting, fresh, airy, oasis like, from a different country, etc.....(community / kula). So within 'jalaBlu' there are 3 colors of blue as you walk in the front door and the kitchen has opened shelves with funky dishes ~there is a room that has tons of pillows to sit on, plants etc....upstairs is the actual studio and holds about 15..max..:) The walls are a peacock blue along with a sage green and the tall mirrors make the room appear to be larger. There is a beautiful mural of a lotus pond painted by my friend Brynn and a small shrine to make blessings and offerings. Lot's of windows in the studio with tree branches as curtain rods and thin white flowy curtains to bring in the airy effect~
Lately we have been working on the 'jala' gardens...We (beautiful friends such as Seth, Hanna and Caitlane) built a huge rock wall for a raised garden bed and this garden includes herbs, flowers and veggies....along with two smaller gardens ....the 'chishrichi' garden and the 'lila' garden along with a hammock to enjoy the shade and read a book.
I will add some pictures soon of the actual space from the 'Grand Opening'~ But for now using the imagination is part of the 'jala' journey...;)
Next: What happened when 'jala' finally opened and ignited~
love and shri~
jenna and 'jala'
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