Monday, June 28, 2010

"My heart called me to action and I followed"~Julia Butterfly

So time for 'part' of the vision to happen~First, a journey back to 'Haramara' with D.R. and his wife Bronwin. This trip like the year before was magical! A week of physical yoga, mindful yoga, open hearts, beautiful people and a whole lot of love AND....amazing food! A week to rejuvenate, reflect, feel inspiration, manifest, embrace love and confidence and............. to ignite others dreams and visions. I came back to Haramara feeling the fire within but needed to set the flame within and ignite my dream to a higher place and so I did. After journaling and writing about my true desires and so much more my intention for this year is, "INHALE SHAKTI, EXHALE SHRI, IGNITE!". This is just one small way (well not so small) of manifesting a lot of beautiful and magical things within my life for 2010 and the people around me.

After I returned from Haramara it was time to put everything in action.....what name to choose, what colors, logo, schedule and overall what kind of atmosphere did I want 'jalaBlu' to have. Well, the name was easy......the word 'blu' or 'blue'...we spell it 'blu' is just a fun word to say ......and I love how it rolls off your lips~I love the ocean, it's a powerful and mystical part of mother nature and so, 'jala' means water in Sanskrit. My dear friend Astrid was the artist behind the logo and my first post cards to fly around Colorado and announce jalaBlu. I will figure out how to attach the logo to this blog soon but in the meantime I will explain.......It resembles a peacock feather but means so much more.........there are dots above the logo (7 to be exact...a lucky number) and these are shakti (powerful energy), then there is a green area that stands for Urdhva Dhanurasana (yoga pose: back bend...and my favorite), there is a black arch that stands for an open invitation to open minds....and an entrance to a new doorway, there is also a blue arch resembling a giant wave/ water and the peacock feather idea is 'strength'.....So, that is the logo idea and the name idea. Now the true definition of 'jalaBlu'......dadatada.......

1. A place of union and unbounded exploration of the heart; a gathering oasis. 2. an opportunity to explore body alignment and mindful living through yoga. 3. an invitation to express diversity and openness. 4. a sacred place to embrace creative minds, community and bliss. [jalaBlu]

"inhale shakti, exhale shri, ignite!"

love and shri~
jenna and 'jala'

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