Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Dance with Kali (Love and Dharma)

I have been wanting to write this blog for a month but the beautiful Kali has been dancing within my life and when she is here my words are not clear and sometimes my heart has dust (malas). A dear friend called yesterday who knew I was in the Kali Kave (cave) and left a message saying, "I hope you are finding some pleasure within your Kali Kave." These words made me laugh out loud and yes indeed there is pleasure, inspiration, clarity and even laughter when greeted the sweet and timely Goddess Kali. I don't mind sharing my Kali times because we all go there and really these are the times of transformation, manifestation and clarity so, 'BRING IT KALI ON!' For those of you new to Kali let me introduce you, she is the Goddess of time and change. She is sometimes referred to as the 'Dark Mother'. She is a fearless Goddess but can also bring up your fears to the highest in order to break through them and offer you an invitation to step into them. Within my own experience of the 'Kali Kave' I step into my own darkness to only seek more light, I connect to my inner fears and desires, I release and let go, I cry rivers...oceans..., I practice asana (physical and mindful yoga) like never before and I question my DHARMA (your highest purpose) to the fullest! We have to go into these darker moments within our lives to see what really matters, to love deeper, to believe in your path, to step into YOUR life with authenticity and gratitude. If we never went to the Kali Kave this life wouldn't mean so much and the precious beauty that surrounds us wouldn't be so precious.

visit from Kali within my life included the clarity and question of Dharma as well as the opening of my heart to love again. As I bring in intentions within my classes at jalaBlu ( I bring them in to share my own stories of life knowing.......I am not alone with challenging times and blissful times and that maybe.....just maybe.....they can bring you clarity, tears, joy within your own life journeys. So, this thing called Dharma..PHEW, it can be the nectar of life when you finally discover your 'dharma', your highest purpose, what you are meant to create or do within this life, etc.....(many ways of saying this and it doesn't always mean your career). Your 'dharma' could be making the most amazing chocolate bring yumminess into the beautiful souls that surround you or it could be to be a mother.........there is no limit on what could be YOUR 'dharma' and throughout life this 'dharma' could take many different shapes, forms and get bigger with time and change (Kali). Yesterday my intention was about the element 'air' and how there is no container. Air is nothing but expansive, no walls...floors or ceilings. Sometimes we limit ourselves to what we 'think' we deserve in life and we are not expanding our wings to the fullest. This I know because, I used to think I didn't deserve the highest love when it comes to a partner, I didn't deserve abundance, I didn't deserve to have a 'higher purpose'............crazy I know BUT, you would be surprised how many amazing souls think this same thing. I no longer think this but of course I can still go into my darker thoughts when Kali comes knocking on my heart door....:) back to 'dharma'. When I found Yoga, I found my heart and this is when I knew YOGA (physically and mindfully) was my 'dharma'. My 'dharma' right now is with jalaBlu in Buena Vista, CO (yoga studio). jalaBlu is coming up on two years which is hard to believe but my dedication to this little town to ignite YOGA in a powerful way is happening as I write. I know this is my 'dharma' because even as I write my emotions (hard to explain in words) start in my stomach....move to my heart and release in my eyes with gentle and loving tears. This summer was pretty darn slow at 'jala' and so the question of my 'dharma' came up many times and those negative thoughts started to roll within my mind to cover my heart up with MUD! However, now....jalaBlu is busier than EVER and classes are full, full and full and not just full with Yogis BUT, so full of love and energy! My point is....when you do find your 'dharma', it will challenge you and the reason (within my belief) is to see if you are truly dedicated and to also show you many perspectives and to not put your potential into a container............It will change shape...form and your wings will expand and the beauty is how it will just keep getting bigger and bigger. To 'believe' and step into the currents of grace, gentle or fierce. If your still reading then thank you.....I guess I have a lot to say.

Next on the Kali menu is LOVE!!! So yes, I have been in the Kali
Kave with love and dharma....two big ones for sure and at times I thought I couldn't breathe. After two years, I decided to let my heart fly open again and try love with a beautiful soul. I do believe love is one of the scariest experiences out there and at the same time it can be one of the sweetest dances of life. The word vulnerability says it all! I love the quote, "Love is a risk! Do it anyway!" I'm no longer with this sweet soul and yes my heart was broken but, I refuse to close my heart off again.....To keep your heart open is to breathe in the fullness of life and to trust that the universe has a bigger plan for you and one YOU deserve!!!!!!

So, if you find an invitation from Kali within your life journey...........Open your heart, open your hand and take the dance! It's worth every precious moment and the light will shine in that Kali
Kave again with abundance.

Anahata ~ Jenna and Kali

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Yoga is an Invitation into a Life of LOVE

Every day I am so thankful that I stepped into an 'Anusara' yoga class 10 years ago. I had no idea of the beauty that would unfold within my life and the lives around me. Just recently jalaBlu had Kenny Graham for a weekend workshop in Buena Vista, CO. Tears of joy filled my eyes at the end as we chanted with Kenny. As I looked around at my Kula within jalaBlu and the amazing hearts that traveled the distance, I realized there was so much love within the room. Friends were holding hands, smiles coming from the heart and tears of freedom and bliss were dancing. A lot of my students have never done a workshop before and they devoted their hearts to the whole weekend. I actually saw them transform within just 3 days and not just within their asana practice but within their hearts. When students really start to get this beautiful practice (yoga) and connect to the magic of Anusara, I see them light up. I saw one of my students after the workshop at the Evergreen Cafe and when she saw me she started to cry and even writing this my eyes are filling up with tears of joy. She wasn't crying out of sadness but out of happiness or perhaps her tears were giving her freedom within a part of her life, I'm not sure but either way this was a gift. This practice invites us into a deeper connection with ourselves and with the currents of life. Anusara Yoga is pure magic, it has given me unknown power that I never knew I had, the gift of loving myself and others deeper, an openness to the unknown, courage, wisdom, softness and an invitation to follow my heart and 'believe'! To share Anusara yoga with others is the best part of my life, the more I share, the more I embrace the heart and what it has to offer.

"Believe" 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

YOGA Charity Fundraiser with jalaBlu and Kenny Graham!

On Friday, July 1st, from 5:30-7:30 pm you can Be the Change and Support the magic of Local Food. Please join us as Kenny Graham and JalaBlu kick off a weekend of Anusara Yoga bliss with a charity fundraiser benefiting Guidestone. Guidestone is a 501 (c) 3, non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening the local food economy. Guidestone serves farmers, landowners, educators, youth, and community members in the Upper Arkansas River Valley by providing farm based education programs and by supporting and growing the capacity of agricultural resources to help ensure a secure agricultural future for the region. Two Buena Vista farms, Weathervane Farm and Cottonwood Creek Dairy, currently work with Guidestone and benefit from their work in the community. All proceeds from this class will be donated. The suggested donation is $10. Let’s unite as a community, fill up the Buena Vista High School Gym, and send ripples of support to this valuable organization working to keep local food production thriving in our community.

When Kenny Graham suggested doing a charity fundraiser with jalaBlu here in Buena Vista, CO, my heart gravitated towards wanting to do what I could to support my friends at Weathervane Farm and Cottonwood Creek Dairy in their efforts to continue to serve the community with fresh local food.
Currently these farms exist on a beautiful piece of farmland, generously made available by the current landowner, just outside of town. Though these farms are committed to staying in the greater community regardless of the specific circumstances of the property where they currently farm, it is my dream that this property be preserved as a farm for the community into the future. Though the fate of this property is uncertain, by helping to build the capacity of organizations like Guidestone the important work of farmland preservation will someday be possible in our community and our farmers will root to rise and find long term stability on farmland. I have no doubt that magic and miracles do happen, so please forward this blog to anyone of interest and help support an amazing cause full of organic extension. Say YES to Local Food and Guidestone and help this vision happen!

"My intention for 2011 is 'BELIEVE' and within this word comes so much MAGIC! I 'BELIEVE' that jalaBlu and Kenny Graham will invite abundance on July 1st and perhaps the uncertainty of the land mentioned above will be preserved by Guidestone so both farms (Weathervane Farm and Cottonwood Creek Dairy) can continue to farm on that particular land within Buena Vista, CO." Jenna Pfingston

If you would like to make donations and can't attend the AMAZING workshop with Kenny Graham please send donations to jalaBlu C/O Jenna Pfingston PO Box 4626 Buena Vista, CO 81211 and make check out to Guidestone.

Please note that the Kenny Graham Anusara Workshop will continue on July 2nd and 3rd!!!! Please visit for more info! Ignite your Practice and celebrate the 4th on your mat!

Jenna and jalaBlu