Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 ~ A Journey Within the Heart!

2010 has been a wild and sweet ride. A dance with Shakti (power), Shri (beauty) and Kali (going into the darkness). For many people around me it has been a challenging year in many ways. There has been loss, suffering, illness, sadness and confusion but within all the darkness there has been love, new lives, beauty, laughter and lightness.

The dance with Kali was rough at times but through the darkness the connection to my heart was far greater! 2010 has been a huge year with me when it comes to my love for yoga. Traveling back and fourth to Tucson, AZ to complete many hours in the Anusara world, falling in love with so many people along the way that are friends for life and just breathing in the 'Shakti' and 'Shri' that yoga can give. My teachers Darren Rhodes and Christina Sell that I have such a sacred place for within my heart and all my friends and family that have been so behind me the whole way, THANK YOU! Without yoga my life and heart would not be as full.

jalaBlu has of course been huge in 2010. I never imagined owning a yoga studio and I never imagined that a vision would happen so fast. This little studio holds a large amount of love and the people who walk in every day bring me an abundance of joy. The greatest gift is when my students who are my teachers embrace the true essence of yoga, not just the physical aspect but the heart felt emotions that it can bring to our mats and every day life. When tears come to their eyes because they have kicked up to their first hand stand, pushed up to their first back bend, allowed pain to leave their body through yoga or a heart based theme (Anusara rocks!) has touched them deeply. This is the invitation or the dance with 'Shri'!

One year ago, I went to a magical yoga retreat with Darren and Bronwin Rhodes (some of you know this story) and it was based around setting your intention for 2010 (of course a lot of asana practice). We wrote for several days and estimating hours, I would say at least 10 hours. I mean have you ever put that much effort in writing an intention and that is not even counting the hours that you think about it when you wake up, go to sleep, brush your teeth, asana practice etc.....It's pure magic to put that much effort in an intention and see it unfold within a year! So, through the writing at the end of the week most of us came up with a sentence, a few words or one powerful word to wrap it all up and send it out into the universe. Many of you have heard me say mine a trillion times (I even put it on my jalaBlu flyers), "Inhale Shakti, Exhale Shri, Ignite!" These few words had a lot of meaning within my intentions for 2010 but it wasn't until the end of this year that it's true meaning presented itself. So, here goes the story.

I was broodily sick for 6 days straight and my last Teaching Training (III) in Tucson, AZ was about to happen. I hadn't eaten for 6 days and my energy level was low, low and very low!!! I drove to the airport in 'Clampy' (my old little red truck) and as always I prayed the whole way there that he wouldn't break down, a charming old soul but sometimes I feel like the wheels and doors may fall off. I realized that once I got to Denver (2.5 hours away) that I had lost my wallet on the way. Hello Kali again! It had fallen off of 'Clampy' in Buena Vista, CO where I live. I was feeling very 'Shri' along the way to the airport...the mountains were spectacular, a blue sky day, the stereo was working for once and I was finally feeling healthy again AND, I was excited to see all the amazing people in Tucson, AZ. Before I realized that I lost my wallet, I had all of a sudden realized what, "Inhale Shakti, Exhale Shri, Ignite!" really means. I started crying tears of joy and really felt like I had figured EVERYTHING out. For me it is about living within your heart ~ to believe in your dreams and visions and not let go ~ to step into the fire and make things happen ~ to love stronger ~ to see the beauty or at least try to see the beauty in all situations and people ~ to ignite your passions and to truly deepen within your own heart and love yourself. The feeling overwhelmed me and at that very moment, I knew my intention that I held so close to my heart for one year came full circle. To hold this intention took effort, patience and belief. I HAVE danced with 'Shakti' and 'Shri' and within the relationship with Kali (darkness) I found strength to move into the lightness with love. 2010 was a year of beautiful transformation and within 2011, I welcome change and a greater essence of love within my life journey.

I haven't found the magical words (intention) for 2011 but I will continue to live deeper within the heart and invite them to surface when they are ready. Wishing you all a safe and joyful journey into 2011! May you always look within your heart and invite the MAGIC to happen!

Jenna and 'jalaBlu'

"Inhale Shakti, Exhale Shri, Ignite!" (one more time!)